Relations through time
Easy to lure: Most of October 2021, quickly disappeared through the hourglass. A fantastic trip to a few of the many rivers and lakes in France, had unfolded in good company with friends from Team Catch Adventure. Read about this trip under “Adventures 2021“.
Back on danish ground, it was time for a late-season carp in the old local lake.
Compared to the intense fishing of the past month, the following november nights could seem like a rather lackluster affair.
But the lake had once again enticed with its calm voice, and I had been quite easy to persuade!

Early acquaintance: 6 years young, during fishing trip with my school class.. Became first encounter with this body of water, that’s surrounded by steep slopes and overhanging trees. Returned home, I could proudly present 3 stinking trophy-roach! Under loud protests from my otherwise patient mother, catch of the day went into the waste bin. Throughout my teenage years, the lake often became destination for a trip. With rods tied to the bicykle and the bags full of gear, it was with great anticipation when pedals were pushed in a race with the forthcoming sunrise.
30 years of carp fishing: The autumn of 1992 was to be a turning point in my fishing. During an autumn trip in company with Kim Frederiksen, we came across two fishermen buried in arsenals of carp gear.
A strongly inspiring night experience at our wellknown local lake night, was the starting point for a future with carp fishing, taking its very own place in the palette of life. Read about this night inspiration and how it started in the chapter “First carp“.
New generation: When my children grew up, they learned about nature and some of its many small miracles. One place of many, where hours were spent under open skye, where of course the lake that had followed me since childhood. Their first angling experiences also took place here, and so would many of their future ones.

Moving in: 10 years back, I bought a house located 200 meters from the lake side. Got to say. With the old pond right outside the door, our long relationship has reached a new level. A good walk is often complemented by a pleasant chat with present anglers. During the cold time of the year, tranquility descends and encolves the area. It is these month, that the calm voice of the lake penetrates most clearly. Read more about this lake and its fishing in “Hakkemosen“. Now sitting behind the rods in november 2021. Philosophizing about why I was located right here.. The answer was found with great ease. Because I simply couldn’t help it. BIIIIIIIIIIIP!!! WELL YES.. THERE’S ALWAYS THE NEXT RUN!

Fishing 2021/22:
Float and feeder fishing for the tench, can be worth a try. So far I caught fish that reached 3.7kg.
All hooked at the foot of steep slopes, or close to dense belts of weed.
It seems like the carp population mainly contain specimens from 5 to 11kg. This is spiced with a few top fish between 11 and 14kg+.
But you never know what hides beneath surface.

During 2022, I crossed roads with a local carp angler @Mads Tavlo Petersson. During a longer campaign, he found a good rhythm and could look back on some sensible fishing. A 14.1kg mirror carp stood out from the pack.
Not everyone is smiled upon by the gods of fishing, when they place their lines into this water. Mads did the job thoroughly, with very a good result.
For my own part, is the most memorable catch of the season a mirror pushing 11.9kg., and an old acquaintance who had grown to 11.8kg. The common carp with fine white koi-penstripes, placed discreed at the tips of its fins.
Fishing 2023 is ahead and it will be exciting to see, what will appear from this lake. One thing is for sure.. When the time permits, I’m to be found at the tree-lined brinks around lake Hakkemosen.
Martin Stormly 2022