Resumé: Stormy Dreams
My first written material, were published by “The Fishing Newspaper/Fiske Avisen”. This trip turned out to be a true adventure.
A hurricane stroked us hard, in the mountains of Grand Canaria. It was the worst weather for more than 20 years, and my friend Niels Nordentoft and I, got caught in the middle. Heavy blood-rain followed by a hurricane, made us lose most of our gear. It simply blew away or got ripped apart! For a week there were no telephones, and the roads leading to Lake Chira was closed. We got the best out of this situation.
Rest of the trip, we managed with a one-man biwy, a single bed-chair and lots of help from the locals in the valley. Even some nice carps were on the bank.
Two guys had an experience for live! It only left me hungry for more!
Martin Stormly 2019